Fostering an Inclusive Campus Culture and Climate
The concept of inclusion is defined by how individuals experience the institution; how they are valued, supported, and welcomed throughout Caltech. Our goal with this work is to transform organizational cultures and structures so that historically excluded and historically underrepresented people feel a sense of belonging within the Caltech community.
In 2021 Caltech conducted a campus climate survey to gather input from students, faculty, postdocs, and staff. After establishing a baseline of the current campus climate, we conducted a needs assessment. We gather data to monitor the progress of IDEA initiatives.
Learn about areas we are focusing on to create a more inclusive campus climate with a few of the initiatives that support them listed below.
Build community and strengthen connections among students, staff, postdocs, and faculty
Several initiatives, programs, and activities seek to engage members of the Caltech community in collegial, collaborative spaces where they can connect based on shared interests and across differences. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are forming with support from Caltech Human Resources; additionally, Caltech community members will continue their collaborations with ERGs at JPL. For students, FSRI and GSRI employ a cohort-model to support incoming undergraduate and graduate students as they form connections and build community among their peers. Additionally, campus groups hold regular events that bring students, postdocs, faculty, and staff together to strengthen the cohesion within the Caltech community.
Affirm community members' identities and acknowledge the ways that our multiple, intersecting identities can shape our experiences and perspectives
Science is a human endeavor that is strengthened when diverse perspectives are brought to bear on the world's most compelling challenges. Programs and activities across the Institute provide opportunities for all community members to have their identities affirmed and to understand the multiplicative effect of diversity on innovation. For example, the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE) has incorporated DEI moments during seminars and research talks. The Caltech Y, CTLO, and the academic divisions support and validate Caltech community members who wish to engage diverse communities in outreach activities by providing resources or course credit. We also hold affinity spaces where diverse community members can come together to share their experiences, process, and seek understanding and support.
Enhance the visibility of Caltech's diverse community, and their contributions to science and engineering
Ensuring that we share stories that reflect the diverse range of community members at Caltech signals the value of diversity to the institution to our internal and external communities. The Offices of Strategic Communications and Advancement and Alumni Relations have been deeply involved in this work. Additionally, the Caltech Experience Project out of Strategy Implementation involves examining and highlighting the experiences of community members--past and present--from historically excluded and underrepresented groups.
Educate and train Caltech community members to implement inclusive approaches and interrupt exclusionary practices
Student Faculty Programs, the CTLO, Equity and Title IX, and the CCID have all been involved in designing and delivering trainings to mitigate the effects of implicit bias, encourage inclusive approaches to mentoring, teaching and collaboration, and empowering bystanders to intervene if they witness discriminatory or harassing behaviors within our community.