Caltech has a renewed its focus on dismantling the systems that perpetuate inequity and inequality by analyzing and removing systemic barriers. As an institution, we are collectively engaging to understand and address the root causes of the persistent underrepresentation of historically excluded populations in STEM. We are doing so by inviting, listening to, and applying the perspectives of the full community to design a plan that will result in significant institutional change.
We are committed to the cultural change (i.e. shift in the shared norms, values, assumptions, and beliefs) that govern the way things are done and how the STEM disciplines are experienced. We are striving to cultivate an inclusive campus climate at all levels of the institution.
We separate these four areas to clearly define the goals and establish metrics for measuring our progress but understand that much of this work is intertwined. We proceed intentionally knowing that our shared commitment to each of these areas will help improve the others.
Our work is guided by the following principles:
Reframe identity-based inequities as a problem of practice and view their elimination as a shared responsibility.
Examine data, disaggregated by dimensions of identity, notice inequities in outcomes and experiences.
Reflect on institutional practices with the goal of making them more inclusive.
Caltech's IDEA-focused programming, support structures, and campus organizations are open to anyone in the campus community, regardless of race, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual identity, and/or any other protected characteristic.