Demographic Data
International students, faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff
Students, faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff identifying as Black
Students, faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff identifying as female
Students, faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff from underrepresented groups
Demographic data about the Caltech community represent one key measure of the success of the Institute’s diversity and inclusion efforts. These data provide accountability and inform future priorities and goal-setting. The information presented below reflects the current ways Caltech's data systems track various demographic characteristics. These categories, as originally constructed, have significant limitations and do not reflect all the gender identities and racial/ethnic identities within our community. We are in the process of examining and improving our data systems to reflect accurately and inclusively the diverse range of identities within the Caltech community.
Current Data on Self-Identified Sex

Current Racial and Ethnic Diversity

Trends in Enrollment

Other Data Resources
- Visit the Registrar's Office website to view current undergraduate and graduate enrollment data.
- For previous year statistics as reported to the Department of Education, see the IES College Navigator.
- Visit the Institutional Research Office website for robust data sets and reporting.
- In Spring 2019, Caltech, along with 32 other colleges and universities, participated in the Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct organized by the Association of American Universities (AAU), which queried concerns related to the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault and sexual misconduct on college campuses. Read about the survey results.